Monday, 20 June 2011

Dogs and food

You would like your dog to live a long and wholesome life then one of the best ways to ensure this is to feed him a diet that meets all of his nutritional needs. While many individuals will just go to the supermarket and select a few popular foods, you really need to do a little bit of research first, in order to find out precisely what the best food to give your dog is.
Essentially, you want to feed your pet a diet which is loaded in high quality protein, although protein is in no way the only type of food your dog should be eating. About half of your dog’s diet should consist of meat and approximately 25% should be grains with the remaining 25% being vegetables and fruits.

calibre of the meat, grains and vegetables you feed your dog is important. After all, he’s a member of your family so you want to be sure to supply him top quality food just like any other family member. This implies paying attention to the dog food you buy together with staying away from the cheaper brands simply because these are normally loaded with fillers which possess very little or no nutritional value.
When shopping for dog food, you want to search ones that are natural or organic having no preservatives or chemicals. The additional thing to look out for is the ingredients - you want to be certain that chicken, beef or lamb is stated as the first component and avoid foods that list meat by-products as the main ingredients. You also want the food to contain a small amount of fibre as well as a little fat. Brands such as Hilife Nature’s and Arden Grange adult dog food are available, amongst others, from the online pet supermarket of Home Pet Shop. A high meat content can be found in Naturediet which is also wheat gluten-free.

are able to eat the same proteins that we do - beef, chicken, lamb, and maybe fish are excellent protein sources for your dog. There is a small amount of conflict among experts as to whether you should feed dogs raw or cooked meat (after all, dogs ate raw meat prior to them becoming domesticated) but if you cook the meat, you can certainly ensure that you are destroying harmful bacteria so cooking it is a good idea.

As you need to feed your dog a
balanced diet, giving him just meat is not really a good idea so add to it some grains like oats, barley or pasta and some veggies like carrots, green beans, peas or green leaf and you’ll be assured that you’ll be feeding your dog the finest diet possible.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Keeping cats inside

At the moment there is no conclusive evidence relating to whether being an indoor-only cat is any better or any worse than being one who has access to the outside though it is essential to ensure that you are fulfilling all of its needs whether or not they are an indoor. However, compared to felines which have the freedom to venture outside, indoor-only cats will have additional needs to help keep them happy and healthy.Most cats can get used to an indoor existence if they're kept inside from a young age, yet cats that have previously been accustomed to going out of doors might find it harder to adjust.
For an active
animal like the cat, an indoor environment may become predictable and even monotonous, and might lead to stress, inactivity and a weight problem.
If keeping a cat indoors you should:
Provide it with a cat
litter tray in a secluded area and make certain that you clean it out frequently. Felines are usually reluctant to make use of a soiled tray.
certain your cat has enough space. Indoor-only pets should have access to a number of rooms.Allow your cat to have access to two types of resting place, one at floor level and one other that is higher with a good view and a comfortable cat bed! It is essential that the higher position is low risk and will not lead to your cat falling as this may cause harm. Supply scratch posts at several locations around the home so that it can mark its territory, strengthen its muscles and hone its claws.
Make sure your cat has
chance to exercise each day by supplying appropriate indoor activities.Offer ways for your cat to stay stimulated and active, both physically and mentally, as one of the primary problems with an indoor-only way of life is that cats can get frustrated and bored.
There are lots of cat toys available at the online pet supermarket of Home Pet Shop.Remember that because your cat will probably not get the opportunity to interact with people or other creatures outside, you will become its primary social companion. You will need to have plenty of time to socialise with your cat. You should not leave your cat by itself for prolonged stretches during the day.
It is
important to remember that although an indoor-only way of life may appear safer for your cat, the indoor setting can be equally dangerous and cats can be hurt as a result of household accidents. So you should take care and make certain that your home will be a safe and suitable habitat for a cat.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Consider your Pets!

The British summer is here and we have been reminded that a few years ago in April, many areas of the UK had only just emerged from a frosty spell which kept us snow covered, but the temperature fluctuates from year to year so remember to look out for your dogs and cats
normal advice is applicable and most people nowadays know this, but just by way of a reminder ensure your pet is kept inside in a cool place during the hottest part of the day which is typically 11 ‘til 3; has access to large bowl of water and is never ever left in a hot vehicle, or conservatory as that cool wind that might be blowing outside will not be blowing inside so what feels like 50 degrees to you is actually 100 degrees behind glass.

As the temperatures
rise, most of us also like to go for extended walks and remain out and about in the sun for longer periods. Cooling coats are a good idea and do help a hot dog but this extra activity and being exposed to sun and heat can turn out to be fatal for your dogs so even if you feel good, don’t forget to consider your dog and how he or she feels.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Excercising your dog

As all owners know, their dog must have lots of exercise, and some dog breeds require more than others. A nearby recreation area is the perfect location to take them so that you can both allow them a walk or run, allow them to look around and find lots to discover, in addition to providing them with a social experience where they are able to meet up with other dogs and people. In addition, you will profit yourself from the extra activity you will certainly get.
Make sure that you get a good quality dog lead and, if you're able to, try to allow your dog off their leash and allow them to run free. Dogs appreciate running more than almost every other activity, and you will probably see just how satisfied they are should they be able to run around wherever they want. Running will ensure your dog is in good condition, and is also an all-round body exercise, not only maintaining their muscles but additionally benefitting their heart. Try taking a dog toy such as a ball and thrower to help your dog engage in running.
Of course, if your dog shows aggressive behaviour towards people or dogs, then you certainly should be watchful when you allow them off their lead, if at all. For peace of mind and for your dog’s safety it would probably be best to keep it on an extendable lead so that you are always in control of his actions. Similarly, you should also make sure that no youngsters are enjoying ball games in the area if you think your dog may cause them trouble and attempt to participate in or interrupt their play. If in doubt you could always try using a dog muzzle.

On the other side of the coin,
should your dog be especially nervous around company, then you ought to be mindful to not scare them by allowing other dogs to get too boisterous or energetic when their attention is not wanted. You could cause long-term damage to a stressed dog if he is pushed into a situation which he doesn't want to be in.
Besides is the park being a place where your dog can explore and have fun, the trip back and forth from the park is also a large part of the experience. If your park is within walking range, then it’s useful in terms of exercising, but when your home is further away and you have to drive there, the car journey is one that your dog will additionally appreciate. All accessories mentioned are available from the online pet supermarket at Home Pet Shop.