The great cat debate: whether or not to keep your cat in the house or allow it the liberty of the wider world is one which has genuine arguments on both sides. If it turns out you do allow your cat to wander the city or countryside, here are a few suggestions for caring cat ownership.
The natural behavioural instinct of felines is to prey upon small sized animals, which, after all, was the reason that cats were domesticated in the first place. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why a lot of owners, in particular in Europe, consider that it is cruel to keep a cat in the house. Nevertheless it is worth bearing in mind that typically a single domesticated cat, and one that we can believe is being fed well at home, will kill up to 40 animals every year. Mostly, theses fatalities are small mammals, such as mice, and wild birds.
Of course, the one method to get rid of this issue is to keep your cat in the house virtually at all times. Nonetheless, this can cause separate issues, such as monotony, an increase in weight and health complications that go with it although there are a number of cat toys to help keep them active. Consequently, keeping a cat indoors is not an entirely satisfactory strategy. So, here are a few tips regarding how to reduce your outdoor cat’s hit count.
1. Don’t Let Your Cat Out at Night time
Normally, the hunting instinct reaches its peak in the course of the hours of night. As a result, it is wise to keep your cat indoors overnight. If you are worried about restraining the cat’s natural inclination, it is wise to keep in mind that the less a cat is permitted to hunt, the less likely it will want to.
Additionally, keeping your cat inside through the night will increase its safety, as cats are usually much more likely to be hit by a car during the hours of darkness. Offering them a comfortable cat bed to sleep on gives them even more reason to stay inside! Furthermore, feral cats mostly hunt at night, so keeping your cat indoors will help prevent the likelihood that he, or she, is caught up either in a disagreement or with a member of the opposite sex!